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CHC News & Updates

CHC Community Relations Workers’ Community Events

Posted: April 19, 2022

BakesaleWindsor Essex CHC CRW’s, University of Windsor Social Work Students partnered with various community services to welcome back community events providing services and community engagement opportunities for staff and partners.

Last week

Monday, April 11- 3:30 till 5:30- Reginald/Lassaline Community Clean Up/Gardening Project followed by a BBQ and activities.  Community partner CUP, CHC staff-  This event has been a long-standing event and has been on hiatus for two years.

Tuesday- April 12- 3:30 till 5:30- Lauzon Spring Fling- Spring clean up, games, activities for young and old- Container planting. In partnership with the Unemployment Help Centre and  CHC staff- This is our 16th year for Springfling

Wednesday- April  13- Fontainebleau Towers 2455 Rivard- 9:30 till noon- Bake Sale- This is our 12th year for the bake sale; all proceeds go to running the various community projects, special events and programs at the building.

Thursday, April 14- 4 pm to 6:00 pm- Bloomfield/St. Joseph-Spring Fling and Gardening Project- This is our inaugural  SpringFling- clean up, container planting, games and activities,

Next week

Wednesday, April 27- 920 Ouellette- 1:00-2:30 -Information Meeting for residents- Partners from Feeding Windsor, CUP, Security, LAF

Everyone, including our community partners, is very excited and pleased to be back in our communities
