Page 5 - Building a Stronger Foundation | CHC Annual Report 2022
P. 5

Message from the Board


            The 2022-2023 fiscal year represented a            CHC completed several rapid-build
            season of change for the Windsor Essex             housing initiatives, investing in more than
            Community Housing Corporation (CHC).               30 new units in downtown Windsor. This
                                                               investment will help some of the people
            I was re-elected as Ward 2 councillor for the  on the waitlist for affordable housing in
            City of Windsor in 2022, and appointed to          Windsor Essex find a place to call home.
            a leadership role as the CHC Board Chair
            for the 2022 to 2026 term. I’ve been excited       Our most celebrated achievement in 2022
            to embark on this new governance journey           was the development of Meadowbrook
            with my Board colleagues.                          Place, a new 145-unit apartment-style
                                                               building that is also a Passive House. A
            Our Board welcomed CHC’s new Chief                 mix of market rent, affordable and deeply
            Executive Officer Cynthia Summers in the           affordable units makes Meadowbrook a
            last quarter of 2022. Cynthia brings with          place for everyone. As a Passive House,
            her a wealth of knowledge and experience           Meadowbrook will have lower utility costs
            from within the affordable housing sector.         than traditional buildings, which is great for
            She shares our vision for a more tenant-           our tenants. This style of building is also a
            and staff-focused culture at CHC, and has          more sustainable financial model for CHC.
            had the Board’s full support and trust in          It costs less to operate, which allows us to
            implementing positive changes at CHC.              save more money for long-term repairs.

            Our Board focused on a regeneration plan           Everyone on our Board is committed to
            in 2022 – a strategic roadmap for the future  helping address the housing shortage in
            of housing in Windsor Essex. It outlines how  our region. We have a solutions-oriented
            CHC can help tackle the housing crisis and         mindset that comes from a place of
            seize funding opportunities to build more          passion for helping others. I appreciate our
            attainable housing. This work will feed            collaborative Board and look forward to
            into our next step of developing an overall        continuing this momentum in the coming
            corporate strategic plan to prioritize future      year.

            We also continued to invest in new housing,
            while repairing and renewing our existing
            infrastructure. We received $170 million in
            funding from all three levels of government
            in 2022, and leveraged this money to make
            much-needed capital repairs to our existing
            buildings.                                                           Fabio Costante, Board Chair

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