Page 8 - Balance | CHC Annual Report 2020
P. 8

         a n n u a l
         r e p o r t

        Essential Residential Services


        CHC  continued  to  provide  essential  services  for  our
        residents,  always  with  the  safety  of  dedicated  staff  and
        patient  residents'  at  the  forefront  through  2020.    We  all
        worked within the province's safety restrictions to interrupt the
        transmission and contain community spread. We also needed to
        ensure the needs of those we housed were being met and prioritized
        calls to all senior residents to inquire on wellness, food, and needs. Our
        Community  Relations  Workers  (CRWs)  and  worked  through  our  resident  lists,
        contacted families and singles, and completed over 3,140 calls. Contactless but still caring customer service became part of the
        new normal. Our business was now transacted with tech-based solutions delivered via electronic devices. We encouraged our
        residents to use CHC's online services through our website under the E-Services tab. Residents could make
        payments, submit requests, and communicate with CHC for a variety of inquiries and issues.

        CHC Finance Department reported an increase in internet banking, direct deposit  and other forms of Automation of EFT.  As
        CHC's residents adjusted to the pandemic, we saw the number of residents paying through cash and cheque decrease from
        25% to just 3% of total monthly payments. In contrast, the number of residents paying through electronic forms, including
        ebanking and Pre-Authorized Payments (PAP), increased from 53% to over 75%. This shift allowed our tenants to follow public
        health orders and stay at home while also reducing their cost compared to cheques, bank drafts and money orders. To help
        maintain our residents' safety, CHC encourages residents to pay through electronic forms, where possible, and continues to
        work with our residents to make this an easy, efficient and inexpensive process.


         CHC Community Relations Workers and the University of   Windsor Essex CHC has a long-standing focus on providing
         Windsor, School of Social Work placements organized and   quality service to our residents. Both in the core delivery of
         achieved many social distanced neighbourhood activities   housing  as  well  as  the  range  of  support  services  that
         for  residents  to  help  with  the  isolation  of  public  health   surround housing.
         measures.  Creative  approaches  to  socially  distanced
         community cleanups,   yoga in a field, BINGO for seniors,   In 2020, progress was made in our Grandview Community
         Halloween  Community  Parades,  the  coordination  with   by  adding  a  Community  Engagement  Coordinator  who
         partners of "treat bags" for many senior buildings and the   surveyed  residents  on  communication,  neighbourhood
         delivery of homemade cookies baked by Life After 50.   involvement, safety and security and neighbourhood pride.
                                                                Planning has begun with several initiatives built on the idea
         This year it was especially important to keep everyone in our   that resident perspectives should play a significant role in
         community  healthy.  All  hands  were  on  deck  to  help   determining tenant service priorities.
         coordinate and promote the  EMS CHAPS program hosting
         Flu Clinics in six of our senior buildings in November. The flu   This  opportunity  for  CHC  will  ensure  that  engagement
         clinics proved to be well received by our residents.   continues  and  informs  decision  making  and  continuous
                                                                improvements for all we set out to do.
                          The Glengarry Community Pantry proved
                          to be necessary for many residents in our   CHC SUMMER RECREATION
                          Glengarry   Neighbourhood   and
                          surrounding area in 2020 as the pandemic   PROGRAM
                          continued to keep workplaces closed.
                                                                The 2020 CHC Summer Recreation Program provided at-
                                                                home craft and activity packs for children and youth in 6 CHC
                          We thank the efforts of our community
                          partners,  volunteers,  advocates  and   communities. After delivering 3500 craft kits, 275 cupcakes,
                          residents who offered their time, support   500  pancakes,  43  pizzas  and  2,500  facemasks,  the  2020
                          and  heart  to  help  those  in  need.  And   Summer Recreation program wrapped up the 2020 Summer
                          reminding us all, "we do not live in this   Recreation wrapped up a creative and modified program.
                          world all of your own.”               Four hundred thirty children and youth participated.
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