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Addictions Support

The Canadian Addiction Counsellors Certification Federation offers no-cost addiction counselling sessions with certified Addiction Counsellors. Click here for more info.

ConnexOntario provides free and confidential health services information for people experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs, mental illness and/or gambling. They can help direct those in need to the help they seek. Please click here for more info.

Local Resources

Problem Gambling Services 

1453 Prince Rd. 519-254-2112

Sobriety Through Accessing Group Education and Support Program

(519-255-9940 / CMHA)

 House of Sophrosyne 1

771 Chappell Ave. 519-252-2711

Withdrawal Management HDGH 

3740 Connaught Ave. 519-257-5225

John Howard Society of Windsor 

275 Oak 519-252-3461


1980 Ottawa St. 519-252-5456

Erie St. Clair Clinic 

1574 Lincoln Rd. 519-977-9772


1101 University Ave. W. 519-735-6500

Horizons Opioid Treatment Services 

1428 Ouellette Ave. 1-855-742-9449